Jailed shell basically creates a shell enviroment where you are locked within a certain directory. For example, instead of being able to navigate freely to any directories, you will be locked within a certain directory, with that directory being your root directory (the top level you can go to)
Something that is somewhat similar is how ftp servers restricts you to your home directory when you first log in.
Typically when such an environment is created, the host/system admin can decide what system program to allow you. i.e. in creating the new environment, they may not allow you access to all system commands eg. no access to the compiler or a command deemed to be sensitive.
Jailed SSH我理解的就是受限制的SSH,比如你用的空间上也有很多客户,那么空间商就会限制你的SSH账户只能进你自己的网站目录,不能进服务器上其他客户的文件目录里面去。
Jailed SSH有些比较敏感的命令也是受限制或者无法运行的,比如像一些系统命令。 |